What To Do Now?
I've been juggling a lot simultaneously...working full time, part time school, discovering photography, renovating our house in Boston, dealing with my father and step father passing away less than a year apart. I came to the realization that I can either let the weight of everything overwhelm me or I can steamroll through and make it to the other side. True to my scotch/english stubborness (thanks Dad), my polish/russian strength (thanks Mom), my acquired irish temper (thanks to my stepfather Hal) and with incredible support and patience from my husband of 25 years, David, things are better than ever.
I've enrolled in more classes...the long road to my Bachelors degree is nearly over. I'm now able to focus more on my photography. I can enjoy down time with my family. However, I cannot stay in this "eternal" summer bubble forever. I have to face reality and get back to work. But in the meantime I will focus on what makes me happy and what I'm good at. This is a journey far from over.
From innocent snaps out the car window to upcoming gallery shows, I'm enjoying the ride and sharing it with my family and friends. One of my favorite sayings is from the movie Buckaroo Bansai "Whereever you go, there you are." Think about it. Take a step back and remember to breathe. Maybe even smell a few flowers along the way. You are never lost; just change tack, regroup, and figure out your next stop. It may not be the one you wanted and least expected but you may be pleasantly surprised by the result.
Oh, yeah I nearly forgot. I'm learning to fly and getting my private pilot's license. More on that later.